mRNAs are transported within a plant through phloem.Aphids are phloem feeders and dodders (Cuscuta spp.) are parasites w......
Diverse epiphyllous fungi on Cunninghamia leaves from the Oligocene of South China and their paleoec
The unique co-occurrence of thyriothecia belonging to three fossil genera of epiphyllous fungi,Stomiopeltites Alvin & Mu......
Maize rough dwarf disease, is a serious viral disease transmitted by small brown planthoppers (SBPH) (Laodelphax striate......
Cloning and Expression of Vitellogenin(Vg)Gene and its Correlation with Ovarian Development in an In
Reproductive manipulation is essential for living organism especially those invasive alien species to achieve their repr......
Peeking into the underground relationships: interactions between root hemiparasitic Pedicularis spec
Pedicularis L.(Orobanchaceae) is a large lineage of root hemiparasitic plants, consisting of about 600 described species......
Balancing selection and wild gene pool contribute to resistance in global rice germplasm against pla
Interactions and co-evolution between plants and herbivorous insects are critically important in agriculture. Brown plan......
【目的】研究东北地区2代粘虫Mythimna separata (Walker)成虫的产卵规律和3代粘虫幼虫的取食行为,揭示3代粘虫在东北地区玉米田的......
【目的】为了研究槐绿虎天牛Chlorophorus diadema(Motschulsky)成虫对寄主植物葡萄6种挥发物和非寄主杏5种挥发物的引诱活性。【方......